Sunday, 16 October 2011

6 Tips How to Lose Weight FAST . . .And Stay Slim Forever

Why losing weight has more to do with how and why you eat than what and how much you eat . . ..

Lose weight this with these proven  weight loss tips, you can kick-start your weight loss, drop 10 pounds fast in your first week, this will give yourself the motivation to get rid of those excess pounds once and for all.

Did you know that certain foods act as metabolism boosters which in turn help you to lose pounds fast! Did you also know that the best way to achieve fast results is by eating not starving? When I say eating, I do not mean eating just anything and everything that you fancy!  Well not if you want to lose weight that is!

1.The Importance Of Breakfast
 Never start your day without breakfast. Trying to lose to up with keep your weight loss plan can be very difficult because of your hectic modern lifestyle. Many of us have decided to skip the most important MEAL OF THE DAY (often to replace with a coffee). Even when this seems to work well at the beginning, be aware that this bad habit makes you go straight into diet plateau “if you know what that mean" Meaning that sooner or later, you will stop losing weight and bounce right back. Your breakfast must include some carbohydrates for energy. But crabs are bad, be moderate! your body needs crabs to function properly, especially if  your diet plan include exercise. Always go for whole wheat choices when buying your toast, waffles, bagel, or other breakfast grains. Your breakfast definitely needs to include calcium. Don't forget strong bones are needed to support strong muscles. Most recently researchers has linked calcium intake with weight loss. Always have a light yogurt, or a small glass of skim milk. Protein also plays a vital role in your weight loss plan. Protein is essential to building muscles fast, the more muscle you build, the faster you to lose weight. Sometime Include an omelet or poach egg with your breakfast. Combine one whole egg and two egg whites, along with your favorite colorful veggies like yellow or green bell pepper, tomatoes, fresh celery, grated carrot, and spinach, this give your body the boot to lose weight fast.  Don't like eggs? Grill up a lean hamburger steak or chicken breast and serve on a plate of fresh veggies.

2. Portion Control Plan
Count your portions it is necessary if you want to lose body fat fast. Following the portion control standards, adults should consume no more than 3 oz. (90g) of protein, 1/2 cup (87.5g) of starch and 1 cup (175g) of vegetables. Having more than the recommended portions will increase the fat in your body, not following this regular regime will cause your body to retain fat. It is wise to discuss portion control servings with your doctor to ensure that you are reducing body fat while getting adequate nourishment.

3.Lower Fat Intake
Cut down on unwanted fat and junk foods. When dinning out at fast food restaurants and vending machine, instead of grabbing fry chicken, buy a grilled chicken salad a salad instead. Usually half the dressing in the package will do, this help reduce your fat intake. Don't get yourself a bag of chips at the vending machine, get a bag of peanuts it's a matter of compromising. These usually contain a balance amount of unsaturated fat, which is much healthier than the saturated form. When going to the movies with friends and family choose non-buttered popcorn and diet coke for a healthy snack. Leave the hot dogs behind! Eat ahead of time. 

4. Liver Cleansing Foods
Eating foods that are bitter will do you justice.  Fruits and food that have a bitter taste like broccoli rabe, dark chocolate, arugula, radicchio, karela, lemons and grapefruit will be very beneficial to cleanse the liver as well as stop toxins from spreading to other parts of the body.

5.YoungYou Slimbionic Slimming Tea
You can lose weight fast by drinking, YoungYou Slimbionic Slimming Tea. This tea is known to suppress your appetite, improve your metabolism, eliminate toxin, block the absorption of fat in the intestines and to increase energy, thus aiding in fast weight loss. Drink a cup of tea, before each meal great for both men and women.

6.Tofu To Build Belly Muscle

Tofu is a lean source of protein, which makes the body feel full and allows you to eat less. When added to a healthy diet plan, tofu can help you target and burn fat rapidly. To lose belly fat fast, simply replace fattier proteins, such as pork or beef, with tofu several nights a week and continue to work out. A high-intensity cardiovascular exercises are especially useful in burning stomach fat fast, you can implement exercises classes such as Yoga, Pilates, or Aerobics this will help tone and strengthen abdominal stomach muscles, firming your belly.


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